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Aon Pension Conference 2020 Webinars:

Thank you for your interest in the Pension Conference webinars; below you can find replays to the full series that took our physical event, virtual.

We are also pleased to include a number of documents that support each of the webinars, If you would like to discuss any of the topics covered at the conference, please get in touch.

Session Recording Supporting documents
Keeping the target in sight Webinar recording 2020 DC Pensions Survey

DC Podcasts

Aon’s DC Survey Website

COVID-19 Response site

10 Questions to Test Your Crisis Resilience Including responding to the impact of COVID-19
Trustee governance in a changing environment
Webinar recording Crisis resilience planning for DB Schemes

10 Questions to Test Your crisis resilience for DC schemes

Effective trustees in a COVID-19 world
GMP Equalisation Webinar recording GMP Equalisation - A practical guide
Investing for Risk Settlement Webinar recording Aon Global Pension Risk Survey 2019 UK Survey Findings - Investment strategy considerations

Case study: Telent

Recording: Aon COVID19 and De-risking webinar (2 April 2020)
Responsible Investment - a member's vision Webinar recording Investing for Impact
Consultation on a new DB funding code
Live Q&A with David Fairs of The Pension Regulator
Webinar recording The future of defined benefit scheme funding